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April 17, 2024

Dear Friends:

I am pleased to present the 2023 Annual Report of the Pacific Pension & Investment Institute (PPI). The report records PPI’s finances and operations as required by the State of California, where PPI is incorporated as a nonprofit organization. It is also an occasion to acknowledge our achievements and remind our members of what is unique about the PPI Community.

PPI’s greatest asset is its people. Our membership, board, and management team’s collective wisdom, dedication, and expertise are the pillars of our success. Your commitment drives PPI forward, and I hope reflecting on the 2023 Annual Report reminds you that you were instrumental in making the year successful.

Thank you if you joined PPI or renewed your membership in 2023. Thank you, too, if you spoke at or participated in our programs. Thank you if you shared your ideas for future programs or served on an advisory group, committee, or board. Your efforts are noted and appreciated if you offered your organization’s resources or introduced PPI to prospective members or speakers. I deeply and sincerely thank you on behalf of the PPI Management Team and Board of Directors.

PPI celebrated three decades of service to our esteemed community in 2023. Today, the PPI is vibrant, engaged, and growing. Our programming is enviable and diverse. Our organization is financially sound and operationally excellent. Please enjoy this look back at 2023, and join me in looking forward to building upon our strengths in 2024.

Sincerely yours,

Lionel C. Johnson


We delivered a portfolio of successful programs in 2023, including the Winter Roundtable in La Jolla, California (March), the Summer Roundtable in San Francisco, California (July), the Executive Seminar, and the Asia Pacific Roundtable in Tokyo, Japan (October). The roundtables prioritized the in-person experience while offering the option for virtual participation. Virtual or hybrid salons were held between the roundtables, supplementing the roundtables and highlighting current events and industry trends.

The themes and topics of the roundtables reflected both the global environment and the program locations. In La Jolla, CA, we explored the importance of resilience amid rising interest rates, inflation, recessionary fears, and geopolitical risk a year into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and opportunities in biotechnology and development finance in frontier markets. In San Francisco, CA, we addressed the fallout from the 2023 banking crisis, the potential and challenges of artificial intelligence, the future of energy, investments in sustainable infrastructure projects, and fast-emerging innovation in the Gulf.

Finally, in Tokyo, we discussed issues relating to various facets of security and sustainability in Japan and neighboring Asian economies, including China, Southeast Asia, and Korea. We also explored the key trends and opportunities in Japan’s economic growth, decarbonization efforts, corporate governance reforms, entrepreneurship, and digital transformation amid domestic political and social shifts. Business site visits in La Jolla/San Diego and Tokyo complemented plenary sessions and deep-dive discussions.

Between these convenings, the salons addressed time-sensitive topics and breaking developments as they emerged throughout the year. Virtual sessions were held on U.S. financial regulations, political developments in Japan (in collaboration with the Japan Society of Northern California), and the proposed U.S. regulations and laws screening outbound investments to China. In May, we held an in-person salon during our inaugural PPI In Residence week in Montreal, Canada, with a virtual option for members to discuss geopolitics, capital expenditure, and commodities.

As part of our efforts to deepen engagement and help develop future leaders in the asset owner community, PPI convened its first Leadership Lab in San Francisco, described in this report’s Leadership section.

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PPI’s membership grew to 103 in 2023, including 54 manager/advisor members and 49 owner/allocator members. We closely monitored two industry trends and their impact on membership: generational personnel change and organizational consolidation. These trends affected membership, as acquisitions and mergers also consolidated PPI membership. Generational change at the C-level of asset owner members posed the risk of attrition and an opportunity for growth, inspiring the Leadership Lab.

Member engagement is at the heart of PPI. PPI must compete in an era of scarce resources, including time and budgets. In addition to three roundtables, initiatives like PPI in Residence and the Leadership Lab will bolster the ranks. The lab is essential given its focus on the next-generation leaders of asset owners and allocators. Early exposure for future leaders may prove valuable as they ascend the ranks. The inaugural PPI in Residence was held in Montreal, with the management team taking up residence there for a week. PPI hosted a salon and reception to engage with current and prospective members, offering an additional touchpoint to the PPI Community.

  • PPI Members on December 31, 2023

    Ahlstrom Capital

    Alberta Investment Management Corporation

    Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund

    Australian Retirement Trust



    British Columbia Pension Corporation

    CAAT Pension Plan

    California Public Employees’ Retirement System

    California State Teachers’ Retirement System

    Carnegie Corporation of New York

    Cascade Asset Management Company


    CN Investment Division

    Columbia Investment Management Company, LLC

    DBJ Americas

    Florida State Board of Administration

    FM Global

    Fremont Group

    Future Fund

    GIC Private Limited

    Government Pension Investment Fund - GPIF

    Hassana Investment Company

    HealthCare of Ontario Pension Plan

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority

    Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association

    Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies

    Minnesota State Board of Investment

    Municipal Employees’ Retirement System of Michigan

    National Council for Social Security Fund, People’s Republic of China

    National Investment and Infrastructure Fund Limited

    New York State Teachers’ Retirement System

    New Zealand Super Fund

    Ontario Power Generation

    Oregon State Treasury

    PSP Investments

    Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho


    San Francisco Employees’ Retirement System

    San Jose Retirement System

    Seattle City Employees’ Retirement System

    South Dakota Investment Council

    State of Wisconsin Investment Board

    Teacher Retirement System of Texas

    Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois

    Third Swedish National Pension Fund – AP3

    Utah Retirement Systems

    Washington State Investment Board

    West Virginia Investment Management Board

  • PPI Members on December 31, 2023


    Affinity Equity Partners



    Apax Partners

    Ascendent Capital Partners

    Asia Alternatives Management

    B Capital Group


    Bridge Investment Group

    Bridgewater Associates

    Brookfield Asset Management

    Campbell Lutyens & Co.

    Capital Group


    CDH Investments

    China International Capital Corporation, US


    Federated Hermes

    FountainVest Partners (Asia)

    Franklin Templeton

    Gaw Capital

    Global Infrastructure Partners

    Goldman Sachs Asset Management


    Guggenheim Partners

    Hamilton Lane Advisors

    Hillhouse Capital


    IFM Investors

    Jefferies Credit Partners

    Joy Capital

    JP Morgan Asset Management

    M&G Investments


    Mitsubishi Corporation

    Morgan Stanley

    Ortec Finance



    Qiming Venture Partners

    Quantum Advisors

    RBC Global Asset Management


    Sagard Holdings

    Siguler Guff & Company

    Sit Investment Associates, Inc.

    Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management

    Synergy Fund Management Group

    The TCW Group

    Tokio Marine Asset Management Co.

    TPG Angelo Gordon

    Unison Capital

    Wasatch Global Investors

    Wellington Management Company

  • PPI Members on December 31, 2023

    Ronald E. Bornstein

    John Campbell

    Margaret Carpenter

    Ambassador Chas W. Freeman Jr.

    Ta-lin Hsu

    Takeshi Kadota

    Robert Maynard

    Doug Pearce

    Shelley I. Smith

    Garrett Walls

    Theresa J. Whitmarsh

    Ambassador Linda Tsao Yang

  • PPI Members on December 31, 2023

    Oliver Bolitho

    Derek Brodersen

    Howard Chao

    Collette Chilton

    Ajit Dayal

    Barry Gonder

    Sandra Haas

    Howard L. Hull III

    Adiba Ighodaro

    Takajiro Ishikawa

    Shigeki Kimura

    Joseph Konzelmann

    Wayne Kozun

    P. Noel Kullavanijaya

    William Lee

    Arthur Mitchell

    Ambassador Clark T. Randt

    Angela Rodell

    Catherine Savage

    Ambassador Paul W. Speltz

    Peter H. Sullivan

    James Timmins, Sr.

    Conrad Yan

    Yuelin T. Yang


PPI finished 2023 with a net operating surplus of $169,147. Several contributing factors included high turnout for our programs, a positive return on PPI’s investment portfolio, a favorable exchange rate, and management’s diligent cost-consciousness. This was also the first calendar year PPI realized the savings from forgoing office space.

The following Statement of Activities reflects total Revenue and Support of $3,282,500, an increase of $446,904 from the prior year. Total Expenses were $3,113,354, an increase of $96,125 from the preceding year. The total change in 2023 net assets is an increase of $169,146.

Statement of Activities

For the Year Ended December 31, 2023
With Comparative Totals (USD) for the Year Ended December 31, 2022

2023 2022
     Membership Dues 2,438,100 2,379,750
     Program Registration 540,909 293,527
     Investment Income 65,991 (31,219)
Total Revenue 3,045,000 2,642,058
     Grant - 18,538
     Sponsorships 192,500 140,000
     In-Kind Donations 45,000 35,000
Total Support 237,500 193,538
TOTAL REVENUE & SUPPORT 3,282,500 2,835,596
     Program Services 2,400,106 2,249,752
     General and Administrative 713,248 767,477
Total Expenses 3,113,354 3,017,229
CHANGE IN NET ASSETS 169,146 (181,633)
Net assets released from restrictions - 50,000
Net assets, beginning of year 2,246,122 2,427,755
Net assets, end of year 2,415,268 2,246,122

Hover over the charts to view the percentages

2023 Revenue Sources

2023 Expense Allocation

The financial information presented is from the audited financial statements. Interested parties can obtain a complete copy of the audited financial statements by contacting our office.


The 2023 Annual Meeting of the PPI Board of Directors marked the transition of the board chair from Angela Rodell to Mark Delaney, and a new vice chair, Marlene Puffer, was elected. We are tremendously grateful for Ms. Rodell’s leadership in shepherding PPI’s return to in-person and hybrid convening. Under the capable leadership of Mr. Delaney throughout the rest of 2023, PPI further demonstrated innovation and creativity as program participation not only returned to pre-pandemic levels but also expanded.

The inaugural Leadership Lab in San Francisco was the most notable example of PPI’s post-pandemic expansion. Designed for the next generation of pension investment professionals, the two-day experience focused on leadership development topics, including Performance insights (mental approaches to achieving excellence), Leader as sense-maker (connecting dots and making sense of diverse pressures), Managing stakeholder relationships (navigating internal and external stakeholders), and Global investment trends (perspectives on the investment landscape).

PPI’s Board of Directors inspired the lab, and current and former directors comprised the faculty. There were 17 delegates from pension funds and investment organizations across North America, Australia, and New Zealand. Participants valued the real-life lessons and perspectives shared by the industry veterans, which provided exposure many had not experienced before in leadership training. Through candid dialogue, the lab provided participants with unique leadership development and networking opportunities. It also strengthened engagement with PPI’s asset owner members and expanded awareness of PPI among the next generation of pension investment leaders.

By all measures, the inaugural Leadership Lab was a successful new initiative for PPI. It provided high value to participants while furthering PPI’s mission and expanding its engagement with the critical next generation of pension investment leaders. Due to the overwhelmingly positive feedback from the lab participants and faculty, the board encouraged the management team to continue offering the Leadership Lab in 2024, utilizing other veteran industry leaders from the PPI membership and evolving the experience over the coming years.

  • Directors on December 31, 2023

    Gordon Bajnai

    Kevin Bong

    Arvind Chari

    Mark Delaney

    Ted Eliopoulos

    Marcie Frost

    Praneet Garg

    Geraldine Jimenez

    Robert Maynard

    Leon Meng

    Laura Nashman

    Marlene Puffer

    Angela Rodell

    Catherine Savage

    Allyson Tucker

    Ton van Welie

    Lincoln H. Webb

    Osamu Yamamoto

    Conrad Yan

  • Officers on December 31, 2023

    Mark Delaney, Chair

    Angela Rodell, Immediate Past Chair

    Marlene Puffer, Vice Chair

    Conrad Yan, Secretary

    Lincoln H. Webb, Treasurer

    Lionel C. Johnson, President

  • Management on December 31, 2023

    Lionel C. Johnson, President

    James F. Apostol, Vice President & Chief Operating Officer

    Thomas Johnson, Executive Assistant

    Sabina Ong Gotuaco, Finance & Administration Director

    Piin-Fen Kok, Senior Program Director

    Shu Li, Program Director

    Evie Fong, Program Manager

    Mark Conrad Mancao, Chief of Staff


We are enormously grateful to the consultants with whom we worked in 2023 for their many contributions to PPI’s programs and institutional development: Attorney Robert Burlingame, Amplitude IP; Amanda Schlank, Caroline Judy, Ariel Foster, Nanaz Benyamini and Dara Yam (CPAs), SingerLewak; Joel Horsager, West Coast Productions; Liz Williams, Williams Corporate Events; Mitchell Hughes, Beacon Pointe; Amber Rhoton, Abbey Mizer, Taylor Gholson and Nicole McKamie, Amplified HR.

Once again, we thank you, our loyal members and friends, for your steadfast support of PPI and our essential mission throughout 2023!